Triângulo Multicereais

Product Code: 80405 g weight per piece: 110

The Grainy Triangle Sandwich bread is precut and contains wholemeal wheat flour, barley flakes, sesame, flax seeds and sourdough to give the bread a delicate flavour and a moist consistency. The bread is sprinkled with flax and sesame seeds. The Triangle Sandwich, Grainy, bears the Nordic Keyhole symbol.

Storage & Handling

A -18°C ou mais frio. Não volte a congelar após o descongelamento.


Farinha de trigo, água, farinha integral de trigo 15%, flocos de aveia 13%, sementes de gergelim 5%, levedura, massa agria em pó (farinha de trigo fermentada, sal), azeite vegetal, sal iodado, sementes de linhaça 1%, farinha de centeio tamizada, emulgente (vegetal E471, E472e), cevada- e farinha de trigo malteada, agente de tratamento da farinha (E300).Conteúdo em sal: 1,2g/100g.

Contains allergens:

Allergen Information

Sesame seeds, Oats, Barley, Rye, Wheat, Cereals containing gluten

May contain traces of:

Does Not Contain Declaration Obligatory Allergens

Country of Origin Dinamarca

Shelf life



  • Energi, kcal 292 kcal
  • Energi kJ 1230 kJ
  • Fett
    - varav mättat fett
    6.7 g
    1.8 g
  • Kolhydrater
    - varav socker
    45 g
    2.0 g
  • Fibrer 6.3 g
  • Protein 9.8 g
  • Salt 0.95 g